This image is my favorite. I LOVE the scenes with MA & the court children!

Sofia with Kirsten off camera.

The Duchess Polignac in the goodbye scene, judging by the somber traveling suit.

I am a complete zealot of this movie. Its not a history thing at all, more like a dream from a teen queen point of view about what she wore and ate and who she hung out with while at Versaille. This movie was how I got hooked on art tea! Amazing. I had once found a quiz about which Coppola MA dress would you be? Kirsten wore over 60 of them! My result was the mauve dress when she and Louis were discussing whether to flee Versailles...a more sober gown, but still lovely and pretty appropriate. If I could figure out how to make a similiar quiz I would! Anyway, I tried to dig up some SC MA pics that are lesser known to enjoy. :)
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