When I was a kid Ash Wednesday was a mystery. We all got trooped into church & ashes X'd on our foreheads. Public school kids asked "Why do they put dirt on your heads?" Lots of kids shrugged. I said, "So we think about Jesus." It seemed like the simplest answer. You don't need dirt on your head to think about Jesus. It does seem like without some kind of visual aid He tends to fall into the background. Even at His own birthday party, Jesus sometimes seems less like Guest of Honor and more like Party Guest Number Four.
Anyway, I want to think about Jesus alot. Why? Because He thought of me first. He loves us so much. What is more alluring than being loved? Nothing I can think of. I found a short writing called God Went To Beauty School...it's not scriptural or anything but it does have that love & curiosity for us that God seems to have. He always seeks us, that's why we don't have to look very far to find Him.
God Went To Beauty School
Cynthia Rylant
He went there to learn how
to give a good perm
and ended up just crazy
about nails
so He opened up His own shop.
"Nails by Jim" he called it.
He was afraid to call it
Nails by God.
He was sure people would
think He was being
disrespectful and using
His own name in vain
and nobody would tip.
He got into nails, of course,
because He'd always loved hands-
hands were some of the best things
He'd ever done
and this way He could just
hold one in His
and admire those delicate
bones just above the knuckles,
delicate as bird's wings,
and after He'd done that awhile,
He could paint all the nails
any color He wanted,
then say "Beautiful,"
and mean it.
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