Monday, March 21, 2011
What You Waiting For? (Extended Clean Version)
I feel like this is personal. Trying to push through writer's block and being worried that I can't. And that receptionist at the name is Stephanie so it feels really weird hearing that. What kind of an office WAS that place?!
Sunday, March 20, 2011

I've just acquired a cameo brooch similiar to the one above. I wore it today on an iron chain with my leather jacket. I kept my outfit rather non-girly because the cameo is so ornate. Maybe I will pair it with a dress sometime. I had to go somewhere new today and I felt a little shy about being girly. Isn't that weird how it's easier to pretend you aren't so girly? I think some of the bravest people ever are girls who wear ruffles and bows and frilly stuff to places like the supermarket or the dentist. I think it's sad that we're told in spoken & unspoken ways that it's "too much" and it's safer and better to just give up and wear what everyone else wears and blend in. I want to wear on the outside how I feel on the inside. I also think that it's an unspoken code that after the age of 30 unless you live in the city you're supposed to give up on fashion and look drab. All those Moms. I don't think people intentionally do it, they just get busy with their families and work. I live in the midwest where if you want a (sort of) stable job you have to wear scrubs. Wouldn't you want to wear something that is you in your off hours? Maybe some people don't care. I wish that I didn't care so much. But I love putting the finishing accesory on and feeling "just right" even if it's not what other people do.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Glee - Hell To The No
Had a really rough morning & this kind of sums it up. I love this show so much. Especially Amber Riley.
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Some Saint Patrick's Day happy things. I am Irish & German which means I love having a good time (Irish) but I also am addicted to All Things Efficient(German). So these two sides are in conflict ALOT! LOL I don't go to bars and my drinking is pretty limited to champagne during the holidays or cooking with wine. So many times it's hard to find ways to celebrate this holiday with other people. But I make sure to buy plenty of corned beef and cabbage, sometimes I'll make a shepard's pie. I just did a recipe for rarebit, which yeah, is traditionally Welsh, but it's cheese toast with dark beer cooked into the cheese, what is not to love about that?! I could never live in a world where there is no toast. And of course I brew pot after pot of tea, mostly earl gray or something in that dark blend. Anyhow, I hope everyone enjoys their holiday and isn't too miserable afterwards. I'll be spending it with family and maybe a few close friends, probably laughing and carrying on and Making Crap Up For The Sake of a Story.
Irish Blessings,
Friday, March 11, 2011
Band Of Horses - "No One's Gonna Love You"
No one's gonna love this song more than I do. I know Cee Lo Green probably come close though. I love you too, Cee Lo. :)
Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts Official Video
This artist's delivery is both chilling & moving, which is why this video for the song completely makes sense. Although it does kind of creep me out a little. The bad ex boyfriend apparently is a Harry Potter Dementor who really does suck out your soul! @_@ LOL Scary. I kind of want this girl's dress.
christina perri,
Harry Potter,
jar of hearts,
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ash Wednesday

When I was a kid Ash Wednesday was a mystery. We all got trooped into church & ashes X'd on our foreheads. Public school kids asked "Why do they put dirt on your heads?" Lots of kids shrugged. I said, "So we think about Jesus." It seemed like the simplest answer. You don't need dirt on your head to think about Jesus. It does seem like without some kind of visual aid He tends to fall into the background. Even at His own birthday party, Jesus sometimes seems less like Guest of Honor and more like Party Guest Number Four.
Anyway, I want to think about Jesus alot. Why? Because He thought of me first. He loves us so much. What is more alluring than being loved? Nothing I can think of. I found a short writing called God Went To Beauty's not scriptural or anything but it does have that love & curiosity for us that God seems to have. He always seeks us, that's why we don't have to look very far to find Him.
God Went To Beauty School
Cynthia Rylant
He went there to learn how
to give a good perm
and ended up just crazy
about nails
so He opened up His own shop.
"Nails by Jim" he called it.
He was afraid to call it
Nails by God.
He was sure people would
think He was being
disrespectful and using
His own name in vain
and nobody would tip.
He got into nails, of course,
because He'd always loved hands-
hands were some of the best things
He'd ever done
and this way He could just
hold one in His
and admire those delicate
bones just above the knuckles,
delicate as bird's wings,
and after He'd done that awhile,
He could paint all the nails
any color He wanted,
then say "Beautiful,"
and mean it.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Funny Moments from Lost In Austen Part 2
I just watched Lost In Austen, a short mini series where a modern girl is thrown into Elizabeth Bennet's role in Pride & Prejudice & her actions threaten to alter the story irreperably. It has plot holes aplenty...some of the faux pas Miss Price makes would have gotten her shunned & booted out with no hope for repair. But if you can forgive that it had some really charming moments too. The clip above is some of the funnier moments of it. They referenced the famous Colin Firth Darcy pond scene! And Mrs. Bennet actually told off Lady Catherine DuBergh! I CHEERED, even though I know that never would have happened. I felt sorry for Charlotte Lucas fleeing to Africa, although maybe she faired better doing that than being married to Mr. Collins. *Shudder* This P&P version has by far the CREEPIEST Mr. Collins EVER! Mr. Collins is usually pompous, silly & a tedious faux-virtuous bore but he never came off as a sexual predator like this Mr. Collins did.
Mr. Darcy was well played as was the willfully ignorant Mr. Bennet. And OMG about Caroline Bingley! I won't spoil the big reveal about her, but it is scandalous! I also liked the twists the story had regarding Mr. Wickham & Georgiana Darcy. It kind of reminded me of stories like Wicked or Into The Woods where the characters are not always what they appear.
So if you love P&P but aren't scandalized by great liberties & anachronisms for the sake of fun, this might be a fun treat. If you do check it out, be sure to go on Youtube & look up Amanda Price sings! It's a deleted clip where she is forced to sing @ the piano forte so she regales them with Petula Clark's "Downtown". LOL I went shopping yesterday & it was playing in the store. Fabulous!
Mr. Darcy was well played as was the willfully ignorant Mr. Bennet. And OMG about Caroline Bingley! I won't spoil the big reveal about her, but it is scandalous! I also liked the twists the story had regarding Mr. Wickham & Georgiana Darcy. It kind of reminded me of stories like Wicked or Into The Woods where the characters are not always what they appear.
So if you love P&P but aren't scandalized by great liberties & anachronisms for the sake of fun, this might be a fun treat. If you do check it out, be sure to go on Youtube & look up Amanda Price sings! It's a deleted clip where she is forced to sing @ the piano forte so she regales them with Petula Clark's "Downtown". LOL I went shopping yesterday & it was playing in the store. Fabulous!
miniseries Jane Austen,
Prejudice Funny,
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Paramore: The Only Exception [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Everytime I see this video I want to take all my Valentines (Okay maybe they'd be from a couple of years together) and pile them on the floor and lay on top of them like leaves. I love watching her wander from room to room like a small figure inside a dollhouse. :)
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