It was bad enough what that child said. But the worst part was that the little girl, I mean, I believed her. I forgot about the incident for a while and my world filled with respectable blues, browns, blacks and grays. This was fine because I went to Catholic school and that was our uniform. When I went to public high school I kept to that spectrum. I didn't want to stand out. At home, however, with my mom's help, I painted my bedroom a pale peachy pink. This later morphed into light purple because it was deemed "more grown up". Pink was for little kids or really preppy girls who matched their socks to their sweaters. Girls too stuck up to talk to me and my friends. "Pink sucks!"
For a while I never saw pink very much. Maybe it was in hiding after being so abused. I kind of felt like that too when I was a teen. When I got married my bridesmaids all wore blue. I didn't want to be the bridezilla who made everyone wear, OMG, pink! But I felt a thrill when I realized my florist had mixed pink flowers into all my bouquets. I think somehow she knew.
Then one day I watched a new comedy with Reese Witherspoon in it called Legally Blonde. And then I watched it again. The next day I went out and bought a pink lipstick. And I've never been the same since. I've been so much better! It's sad when I think how many years me and Pink lost together all because of a silly misunderstanding. Anyway, the moral of the story is, don't waste time worry about what other people say. So that's the story of how me and Pink got back together again. The color. Not the singer. Although I like her too. Pink on, and Happy Valentine's. :)