Softer colors, more subtle in detail & print. Classic Lolita reminds me of dresses my grandma used to buy me for Sunday when I was little. There was a dress boutique called The Sugar Plum Shop...real old school with a bee hived sales woman who had a tape measure. That part I wasn't crazy about. LOL What I was crazy about were the dresses. They rustled when you moved and the skirts would bell out when you twirled. The sashes had satin bows you could rub between your fingers or crinkly organza ones that would proudly puff out like fairy wings behind you. Velvets to sink into and comforting quilted bodices with embroidered flowers or bright beads winking up at you. The fabric really had a life of its own. My favorite dress was a navy blue one that had soft purple roses on it. My grandma asked me if I'd prefer a pastel pink or blue instead but I already had dresses like that. And this one was special, a little more mysterious and different. It also had the twirliest skirt you ever saw. That's what sold my grandma on the dress. I have no idea what happened to it but I remember it very fondly.